The Unified Growth Framework changes the game by focusing on your customer.
The Unified Growth Framework comes from problem-solving.
The biggest single problem that we encountered was a result of not having a common understanding of the customer.
We used our problem solving experience to develop a framework.
The Unified Growth Framework is a method of looking at the world in your customer's point-of-view
The customer does not see you as sales, marketing, or customer service, they see you as one company. Defining who the customer (persona) is depends on what is happening - are they evaluating, buying, approving, using...
The UGF is designed around the concept of customer centricity; starting with the customer and working backwards. But it also helps you create a common language around the customer, a common understanding of customer needs, and clear guidelines on how to optimize your relationships.
The Unified Growth Framework is a set of tools to simplify and improve understanding of B2B customer relationships.
What is the value of understanding your customer?
Your company exists to add value to customers profitably. This means every interaction, decision, technology implementation, new hire, product development, sales and marketing tactic and strategy should focus on the customer.
It eliminates non-valuable activities.
It optimizes the use of resources.
It improves execution.
It motivates your team.
It leads to better decision-making.
However, in B2B, understanding the customer is challenging due to varying business models and changing customer roles.
The UGF is a holistic approach to customer-centricity
The UGF is designed to gain a better understanding of the customer, take on specific problems in your business, or help make more dramatic changes.
The goal is always the same; start with the customer and work backwards.
Understand what the customer is doing, their goals, and their requirements. The framework is always the same, but the customers, products, and markets are different.
Align your actions and resources to optimize the customer's activities. Start with touch-points and then focus on supporting activities.
Customer centricity has its limits. We identify these limits and work around them. The framework embraces constraints as opportunities for understanding and empowerment.
Contact us
for more information.
We would be very happy to explore how the UGF can help your business.